York City Centre Scaffold Collapses
20th June 2017
Pedestrians and road users had a lucky escape yesterday (19 June) after a scaffold collapsed into a busy York road during the morning rush hour.
The scaffold erected on the junction of the city’s Gillygate and Bootham roads and fortunately no injuries were reported.
It is not known what caused the scaffold to collapse, but eye witnesses report that passing vehicles had made contact with the scaffold as they drove by. One, who works in a nearby shop said, “All I heard was a massive bang, one of our windows has been smashed by the scaffolding. Something needs to be done about this corner, it’s a nightmare, the road is always busy, it’s always busy round here. My cashier says a bus clipped the scaffolding the other day.”
Another local worker said, “A few customers witnessed it. They said a truck had caught the corner of the scaffolding and pulled it down”.
It is believed that the HSE are now investigating the incident.
Incidents such as this are alarmingly common and there are perhaps five or six each year. However, they are relatively easy to prevent and guidance documents such as those produced by the National Access and Scaffolding Confederation, ‘SG34:11 – Guidance on the Protection of the Public’ and Chapter 10 of TG20:13 ‘Protection of the Public,’ provide specific advice on what might be done to effectively manage the scaffolding and vehicle interface.
It is also important to remember that scaffolding erected adjacent to the public highway must be constructed and managed in accordance with the terms of the Local Authority’s Pavement License and that doing so is a stautory requirement.
Simian clients requiring further advice are free to contact their Account Manager on 0345 602 2418 (Option 1).