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Ofsted Awards Our Apprenticeship Provision with Good: A Remarkable Achievement!

13th May 2024

Those who know SIMIAN will be well aware of our ongoing drive to achieve the highest standards of delivery in everything that we do. They will also know that there aren’t many businesses in the sector who experience the same levels of external scrutiny – be that for construction-based accreditation, or in this case, THE FANTASTIC ‘GOOD’ GRADING that was awarded by Ofsted during our latest inspection, which was carried out over 4 days by a team of 5 inspectors in early April. The inspection examined our scaffolding and roofing apprenticeships across our centres in Warrington and LASC, in London. 

The grading reflects the tireless efforts made by the whole team since the previous Ofsted visit in late 2022, and also showcases the team’s significant professional development during the improvement journey

Speaking of the grading, Simon Hughes, SIMIAN Managing Director, said:  

“The fact that we have been recognised as a ‘good’ apprenticeship provider bears testimony to the efforts and professionalism of the team, and it is an achievement of which they should all be proud. 
The grading cements our position as one of the UK’s leading providers of construction apprenticeships, and we are already implementing additional improvements as we seek to tackle the challenges that are faced by an Independent Training Provider.” 

Some of the headlines from the latest report make particularly good reading for team members and employers alike. They include the following statements: 

“…Apprentices quickly learn and practise new skills safely and competently.” 

“…Tutors skilfully support apprentices…” 

“…The planning and coordination of on-and-off-the job training is highly effective…” 

Jackie Thomason, Commercial Director at SIMIAN and the Nominee for this inspection, said:  

“This grading is the result of several years of hard work, determination and the willingness to learn and develop.  
We have worked tirelessly to reinforce our relationships with employers and other industry stakeholders. The feedback employers, learners, parents and industry stakeholders provided was, in many cases, simply breathtaking, and a source of enormous pride for everyone at SIMIAN. To hear employers say that apprentices are positively impacting their business activities makes all of the effort and long hours worthwhile. 
It is immensely rewarding to know that our efforts are making a difference to the lives of those starting their construction industry journey.” 

For more information on the apprenticeships we provide, please click here, or email