TG20 Update Launched by NASC
2nd August 2017
The latest update, (V1.2) has been produced by software developers, CADS, incorporates several changes that that are intended to improve the user’s all round eGuide experience. Many of the changes were those suggested by users of the software during a consultation that took place in late 2016.
Speaking of the launch, Robin James – NASC Managing Director, said, “Few can have imagined the penetration which TG20:13 has achieved since launch in 2014. More than 2,000 copies of the eGuide have now been issued by NASC. The TG20 working group will continue to refine and develop this widely-adopted and increasingly iconic product to meet the needs of the temporary works sector.”
The primary features of the upgraded software are:
Automatic site reference. The site reference displayed on the TG20 compliance sheet now automatically defaults to the address for the location selected on the wind map screen, providing that an internet connection is available.
Checking a compliance sheet. A new option has been provided to indicate that a suitable person has checked that appropriate data input options have been selected in the TG20 eGuide when generating the compliance sheet, for integration with temporary works management processes.
Reporting the permitted seasons. The TG20 compliance sheet now specifies the season(s) during which the scaffold will be standing, either ‘during any season’ or ‘during the spring and summer’ depending on the option selected for the compliance sheet.
Company logo. A company logo may now be added to personalise the TG20 compliance sheet header, including any accreditation logos relevant to the company.
Compliance sheet illustrations. A ‘TG20 compliant’ stamp has been super-imposed on the illustration in the top left corner of the TG20 compliance sheets. This is to clarify that the illustration, although representative, is not intended to be a construction drawing.
Build UK support. The NASC is pleased to announce the continued support of TG20:13 by Build UK, whose logo is now included on the header of every TG20 compliance sheet.
Rob Lynch (Chair of NASC TG20 Working Group) commented: “The NASC has worked closely with CADS to develop this latest upgrade. Feedback from the industry-wide consultation in 2016 was carefully analysed. Version 1.2 represents a significant enhancement.”
Those that are already using the TG20:13 eGuide can can access the FREE DOWNLOAD here.
To support the launch of the software, NASC has provided a full set of release notes, which can be downloaded here.