NASC Launches New Qualifying the Workforce Programme for 2016
6th June 2016
The NASC has launched a ‘Qualifying the Workforce’ (QTW) in-house programme offering member companies funding from a £30,000 central pot for up to 240 training placement payments.
NASC member companies will be able to apply for a payment of £125 for any of their employees who they have qualified to CISRS Scaffolder, Advanced Scaffolder or Scaffolding Supervisor, since 1st January 2016.
Operatives will need to have completed all requisite training and be in possession of a current valid CISRS card for the grade for which they are applying in order to be eligible.
In addition to the scaffolder training funds, there will also be a chance to claim for CISRS Operative Training Courses (COTS) training. Included within the 240 total placements, NASC will make up to a maximum of 50 payments of £125 to employers who have put their operative through the COTS course and have obtained a CISRS Labourer or CISRS New Entrant Trainee card via this process.
NASC Training Manager, Dave Mosley said: “This new Qualifying the Workforce programme is all about supporting NASC members who are investing in their staff through CISRS training. We have run similar initiatives in previous years with the aid of additional CITB funding which have proved very successful and popular with the membership. With this type of CITB funding no longer available NASC Council has agreed to set aside £30K to fund a programme for 2016. Payments will be made on a first come first served basis, and it is envisaged that these payments are likely to be claimed very quickly so members are requested to respond ASAP.”
QTW claims must be made online using the correct application form via the online members’ area of, under the training section (in the ‘Information’ menu). And applicants must include all relevant information for each candidate (correct individual details, card number etc). Only qualifications achieved after 1st January 2016 will be accepted. Applications will take up to four weeks to process.
08/06/2016 – Update: NASC has already exceeded the maximum figure (50) for those wishing to claim QTW Payments via CISRS COTS Training. No further payments will be made in this category. NASC members can still apply for a payment of £125 for any of their employees that have qualified to CISRS Scaffolder, Advanced Scaffolder or Scaffolding Supervisor, since 1st January 2016.
The operatives will need to have completed all requisite training and be in possession of a current valid CISRS card for the grade they are applying for in order to be eligible.
Simian clients requiring additional advice are free to contact their Account Manager on 0345 602 2418.