NASC Issues Annual Safety Report
29th April 2019
Figures released by the National Access and Scaffolding Confederation (NASC) show a 27% increase in ‘over-seven-day’* incidents amongst its member companies, across a scaffolding workforce that remained broadly consistent in numbers, to those reported in 2017.
The Confederation’s 2019 Safety report, which relates to activities during 2018, also reported that for the sixth consecutive year, no fatal incidents were reported by its membership.
A total of 113 injuries were reported during the period, with 22 being reports as being major* with the remaining 91 resulting in periods of worker absence for over seven days. This represents just 2.6% of all such accidents reported across the UK construction industry, during 2017/2018.
For the 14th consecutive year, and causing 43% of accidents to scaffolding workers, were slips, trips and falls (STF) and this remains relatively consistent with the wider construction industry, where STF are the second largest cause of injury, behind only falls from height.
The number of falls from scaffolds/working platforms (at or above 4m) rose from 1 to 4 and the number of falls from scaffolds/working platforms (less than 4m), rose to 18, an increase of 5 on the previous year.
Other headline figures from NASC’s report were:
- Falling material incidents showed a decrease of 67%;
- There we no reported injuries to members of the public;
- There was 1 reported fall arrested by a safety harness.
Des Moore, NASC President said:
“While the number of incidents reported has risen slightly this year, it is important to view this figure in context. The NASC has been reporting members’ accidents since 1975 and it has been a continuously improving statistic. The numbers show that 99.3 per cent of all NASC scaffolding operatives went through 2018 incident free.
However, there is always room for improvement. This is why the NASC will use the data collected to drive positive change – looking for ways to lead safety in our industry and help our members continually improve H&S standards on sites and in yards across the UK.”
NASC’s full report can be downloaded here.
Simian clients seeking methods of improving accident and incident performance are free to contact us for advice on 0345 6022 418.
*As defined by the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013