NASC Announces Safety & Technical Guidance Updates
15th August 2014
Following the successful publication and launch of TG20:13 Good Practice Guidance for Tube and Fitting Scaffolding earlier this year, the confederation has turned its attention to the review of additional NASC Safety and Technical Guidance titles in line with its five year review policy.
Six important and recently updated Safety Guidance (SG) notes have been published comprising the following titles:
• SG3:14 – Earthing of Scaffolding Structures
• SG7:14 – Risk Assessments & Method Statements (RAMS)
• SG10:14 – Use of Brickguards
• SG16:14 – Management of Fall Protection Equipment
• SG18:14 – Welfare Facilities for the Scaffolding Contractor
• SG25:14 – Access and Egress from Scaffolds, via Ladders and Stair Towers etc
SG7:14 – Risk Assessments & Method Statements (RAMS) is of particular importance, as it reflects the legal requirement for risk assessments to be combined with method statements. This guidance includes a template for method statements to assist scaffolding contractors when preparing job specific method statements. Updated guidance on access and egress will also be welcomed by the scaffold and access industry, as will guidance on welfare facilities and the management of fall protection equipment.
Additionally, the confederation has issued two updated Technical Guidance (TG) notes as follows:
• TG10:14 – Flame Retardant Treatments for Timber Scaffold Boards and Battens
• TG16:14 – Anchoring to the Ground
Adrian Rooney, Chairman of the NASC Health and Safety Committee, said: “The updating and release of these guidance notes shows the effort and commitment shown by NASC member companies – and above all those who work on NASC committees and groups to produce safety guidance, training and associated literature – in setting industry standards for scaffolding.
“NASC member companies continue to see a fall in overall figures for accidents/incidents, despite an increase in the number of operatives. And most heartening is the correlation between member figures and those for our industry as a whole, which shows that member companies continue to outperform the industry.
“The NASC Health and Safety Committee works tirelessly to produce best practice guidance for the industry which is widely accepted as a major contribution towards making our industry safer for all. And, in addition to these recent releases, further updated NASC Safety and Technical guidance titles will be released in the autumn.”
NASC Managing Director, Robin James added: “The confederation is extremely grateful to the members of its working committees whose painstaking input to the review of these documents will ensure that the industry as a whole is able to benefit from the expertise of NASC member representatives. “These updated Safety and Technical Guidance notes will be used to help raise standards and levels of safety in the scaffolding and access industry – the core aim of the NASC.”
All of the above NASC guidance is available for purchase from the NASC website publications section at
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