NASC Announces Scaffolder’s CPD Funding
13th June 2017
The National Access and Scaffolding Confederation (NASC) has announced a scheme to assist members in meeting the forthcoming CISRS CPD requirement.
The scheme, discussed in our previous blog articles, goes ‘live’ on 01 July 2017 and will be a prerequisite for all of those wishing to renew CISRS Scaffolder and Advanced Scaffolder cards.
An initial sum of £30k has been set aside which will enable a payment of £125 per employee they place on any of the two-day courses, and will be initially limited to a maximum of 10 employees per business, on a first-come-first-served basis.
Scaffolder’s CPD Funding
NASC President Alan Lilley said, “The Confederation fully supports the introduction of the CISRS CPD requirement prior to card renewal. We do realise however, that as with all training these benefits do not come without costs. As such NASC is looking to reinvest a substantial amount of money into NASC member companies who support their employees through this process and meet the costs of the CISRS CPD training.”
The £30,000 figure will help to subsidise training costs for 240 operatives in the first instance, with a further £20,000 ringfenced for additional CPD funding, should this initiative prove successful. To be eligible to access this funding the operative must hold a current valid CISRS Scaffolder or Advanced card which has been renewed via the CISRS CPD 2-day course. NASC will provide members with a link where they will complete an online application form in order submit a claim.
CISRS Scheme Manager Dave Mosley said, “It’s great to see the level of financial support NASC is willing to make available to assist their membership a possible figure of £50,000 and I hope I can convince them to consider further funding in 2018.”
In addition to the NASC funding, all UK Scaffolding Contractors who currently pay CITB levy will be able to apply for CITB short-duration training daily attendance grant of £50 per day for employees completing CISRS CPD training. Further information is available at CITB’s website.
CITB are currently running a funding pilot with NASC members which if successful will allow that daily attendance grant figure to be raised to £100 per day for those undertaking CPD when the new CITB funding (2017/18) is made available towards the end of the year and this will be available to all of those in-scope with CITB, regardless of NASC membership status.
CPD courses will feature on our scheduled courses list and the first is set to take place at our Warrington Centre on 03 July 2017.
Simian clients requiring more information are free to contact their Account Manager for further advice, on 0345 602 2418.