NASC Announce Qualifying the Workforce Programme (QTW) for 2014
4th February 2014
The NASC have announced that their highly successful Qualifying the Workforce (QTW) programme for 2014 will begin this week.
This is the third consecutive year that NASC have run a QTW programme supported with the aid of funding obtained through CITB. Both the 2012 and 2013 QTW programmes were very successful with over 200 NASC member operatives being trained and qualified to CISRS Scaffolder, Advanced Scaffolder or Scaffolding Supervisor grade in each period. During this time NASC had made payments of around £50k back to the members through QTW funding.
The scheme will enable NASC member companies to apply for a payment of £125 for any of their employees that they have qualified to CISRS Scaffolding, Advanced Scaffolder or Scaffolding Supervisor, since 1 September 2013.
Operatives will need to have completed all requisite training and be in possession of a current & valid CISRS card for the grade they are applying for to ensure eligibility.
Chance to Claim for CISRS COTS Training
In September 2013 CISRS introduced a CISRS Operative Training Scheme (COTS) 1 day training course requirement for those applying for a CISRS Scaffolding Labourer card or an initial New Entrant Trainee Scaffolders card. The training of new entrants is in line with changes to CSCS scheme rules concerning Labour qualifications which are to be introduced later in 2014.
NASC will make up to 50 payments of £125 to employers who have put their operative through this course and have obtained a CISRS Labourer or CISRS New Entrant Trainee card via this process. These payments will be made on a first come first served basis.
Claims must be made online using the correct application form.
The online application for is available here.