HSE Updates Risk Assessment Guidance
9th September 2014
The HSE have updated their popular and very well-established ‘5 Steps to Risk Assessment’ guidance document. The document is now known as, “A Brief Guide to Controlling Risks in the Workplace“. (Click the link to download the document).
Those with forthcoming IOSH peer review interviews or NEBOSH examinations are advised to take note!
The new document is intended to assist in identifying, assessing & controlling health and safety risks associated with workplace hazards . The leaflet is mainly aimed at employers, managers and others with health and safety responsibilities.
The main document headings are: –
Identify the Hazards – establish what could go wrong
Who Might be Harmed – who could get hurt by the events considered in the point above?
Evaluate the Risks – decide which risks are significant and what should be done about them
Record Your Significant Findings – record in writing what you have considered
Regularly Review Your Risk Assessment – periodically review your assessment to check it remains valid
Simian clients are advised to contact their Account Manager for further advice.