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HSE Enforcement Initiative

17th September 2015

Monday 14 September 2015 saw the launch of a new HSE enforcement initiative. This is the latest in a growing line of positive HSE action is aimed at improving standards and compliance levels in the construction sector.

During a similar campaign in 2014, 35% of all enforcement notices served were for health issues, and inspectors will again be prioritising the management and control of health risks.



Where serious breaches of legislation are found then immediate enforcement action will be taken, but inspectors will also be taking steps to secure a positive change in behaviour to ensure on going compliance. They will also follow up health and safety breaches with clients and designers to reinforce their duties under CDM 2015 and to ensure that all dutyholders with on site health and safety responsibilities understand and fulfil these.

Target areas for this initiative will be: –

Simian clients requiring advice on these matters or the HSE enforcement initiative generally, are free to contact their Account Manager for advice.

Tel: 0345 602 2418 (option 1)