HSE Announce Enforcement Initiative
18th September 2014
The Health & Safety Executive have announced that they will be commencing a four-week nationwide refurbishment work enforcement initiative, commencing on Monday 22 September 2014.
Activities that will undoubtedly attract the HSE’s attention include the usual safety ‘suspects’, for example: –
- Work at Height
- Scaffolding
- Plant
- Structural Stability
- Site Good Order
- Electricity
- Confined Spaces
- Slips & Trips
Significantly, health will also form part of their focus and following the initiative earlier this summer, it is likely that the following will be targeted: –
- Manual Handling
- Dust
- Asbestos
- Vibration
- Welfare
- Dermatitis
- Noise
Scaffolding businesses are advised that activities such as drilling anchors will likely form part of the HSE’s focus and they will be expected to ensure health risks arising have been adequately assessed and controlled. This means that vibration assessments will be required and that if dust levels exceed exposure limits, protection may be required in the form of RPE for which operatives must have been face fit tested.
Simian clients requiring further advice are free to contact their Account Manager on 0345 602 2418 (Option 1).