Coronavirus (COVID-19) Statement – 25 March 2020
25th March 2020
SIMIAN is committed to being a good employer, a good neighbour and a respectful member of the business community.
The business has pledged to adopt Government advice and guidance as policy since the onset of the crisis, and on Friday 20 March, we took the unilateral decision to suspend training at all of our scaffolding training centres to meet social distancing recommendations.
In the time since, we have endeavoured to facilitate home working for all staff and as such all of our offices are now closed, with all office-based staff operating from home. We remain contactable through our regular number 0345 602 241 and via
We continue to operate a restricted consultancy service to our clients in the construction industry and will do so for long as our staff can be kept safe and our support is needed. This is being facilitated using only team members who are happy to continue to work and who are adopting remote working techniques where possible. Where site attendance is required, we are limiting exposure time, prohibiting the use of public transport and ensuring social distancing and good hygiene practices are adopted.
For cases where site attendance is not possible, we are currently working on the implementation of an initiative to provide ‘virtual’ support for customers requiring assistance with technical scaffolding matters and more information on that will follow shortly.
Our students remain supported by our use of remote learning and assessment techniques and this will continue for the duration of the crisis.
25 March 2020 – 15:40 pm