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Calling Waltham Forest Residents!

1st October 2021

Simian and the London Borough of Waltham Forest Council have launched a fully-funded employment initiative, that aims to give the borough’s residents a jump up into construction industry employment.

Commencing in mid-October, Rebecca West of LBWF and Sara Calvo, Simian BDM will host a series of information sessions at Simian’s London Academy of Sustainable Construction, that will aim to target those over 19 who are currently unemployed, or who are receiving a work-related benefit.

A total of 4 information sessions will take place at 10 am and 2pm on the following dates:

26 October

23 November

The sessions are being supported by construction giants including OHOB, Taylor Wimpey, L&Q and Taylor Woodrow, and will lead onto one week of construction training, a week of work placement and a guaranteed interview for employment! Those successfully completing the training and a CSCS test will also receive a CSCS card.

Construction industry employment opportunities

Speaking of the initiative, Dave Randles, Simian’s Operations Director, said: “The very existence of LASC is founded on it supporting and providing benefit to the local community, and in particular, the residents of Waltham Forest.  The construction industry is facing a critical skills shortage at the moment, so this represents a fantastic opportunity for residents who are unemployed, or receiving work-related benefits to bridge that skills gap, and embark on what can be a rewarding and highly paid career in construction, so we’re very excited to be supporting it, and to be giving something back to the Borough.” 

Those living elsewhere are free to enquire, but priority for attendance will be given to residents of Waltham Forest.

Interested in finding out more? Email or call 07790 932576.