Build UK Adds to COVID-19 Guidance
6th October 2020
Build UK, the UK’s leading construction industry representation body, has added to their growing suite of COVID-19 guidance.
Their latest publication provides guidance on what action should be taken in the event that a worker develops COVID‐19 symptoms, receives a positive test result, or has to self‐isolate due to either NHS Test and Trace or a member of their household or support bubble developing symptoms or testing positive.
The document, produced in easy-to-read flowchart form, is available for download by clicking the image below.
Speaking of the publication, Dave Burrows, Senior Consultant and Consultancy Manager at SIMIAN said, “It’s almost inevitable that positive test results or self-isolation requirements will impact all businesses at some point. The guidance produced by Build UK is both informative and concise and will serve as a one-point reference in the event that a worker, business or site is impacted. On top of that, adhering to the guidance will ultimately assist those concerned to avoid a £10k fine of they don’t do the right thing!”
SIMIAN customers will be now have received our latest documentation pack, which now references the latest Build UK publication. Those that haven’t, or who require any other H&S related advice are free to contact us via, or on 0345 6022 418.