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Additional TG20:13 Seminar Announced

11th April 2014

Due to popular demand we are delighted to announce that we will be running an additional TG20:13 Seminar at our Warrington Centre on Friday 16th May 2014.

The session will commence at 09:00 and will last for approximately 2 hours. Those that have missed previous sessions would benefit from attendance as the briefing is intended to provide an outline of the updated National Access & Scaffolding Confederation (NASC) Comprehensive Guide to Good Practice with Tube & Fitting Scaffolding. The following will be included: –

The purpose of TG20:13
Scaffolds considered ‘in-scope’
Compliance Sheets
Key differences between TG20:08 & TG20:13
eGuide demonstration
A Q&A session

A presentation on driver competence in relation to scaffolders will also feature.

To secure your place, please book using the contact details on the image below. (Click to enlarge)

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