CISRS Part 2
1. What is the minimum height of the main guardrail?
2. What is the safe working load of a Class ‘A’ right angle coupler?
3. What is the safe working load of a Class ‘A’ swivel coupler?
4. What is the safe working load of a Class B sleeve?
5. What is the normal width and thickness of a standard scaffolding board?
6. What is the minimum permitted thickness of a sole board?
7. What are the ideal dimensions of a sole board?
8. What diameter of rope should be used with a gin wheel?
9. What is the maximum permitted load that may be raised on a gin wheel?
10. When using a gin wheel and rope, what is the recommended knot for raising and lowering scaffolding boards?
11. When using a gin wheel and rope, what is the recommended knot for raising and lowering scaffold tube?
12. What is the recommended knot for tying fitting sacks?
13. What is the recommend knot for preventing the rope from slipping through the gin wheel?
14. Can a splay scaffold be erected in accordance with TG20?
15. What is the maximum width (in boards) of a TG20 compliant scaffold fan?
16. What is the maximum loading on a TG20 compliant class ‘A’ protection fan?
17. According to TG20, what is the maximum number protection fans that can be erected per elevation?
18. A TG20 compliant fan can offer protection from small objects falling a distance of no more than?
19. What is the ideal angle of a sway brace?
20. Bracing should be connected within what distance of a node point?
21. According to TG20, scaffold ties should be installed at what frequency?
22. How often should sway bracing be installed on a TG20 compliant independent scaffold?
23. What is the maximum percentage of reveal ties on a TG20 compliant independent scaffold?
24. A light duty tie has a safe working load of?
25. A standard duty class ‘A’ tie has a safe working load of?
26. A standard duty class ‘B’ tie has a safe working load of?
27. A heavy-duty tie has a safe working load of?
28. What is the safe working load of a TG20 compliant loading bay?
29. What is the maximum overall length of a TG20 compliant loading bay?
30. What is the maximum number of boards wide permitted on a TG20 Compliant loading bay?
31. What is the maximum transom spacing on a TG20 compliant loading bay?
32. Boards of what length and under should be secured to prevent displacement?
33. According to TG20, what is the maximum number of bays that can be spanned when using 610mm deep unit beams?
34. When using 610mm beams in accordance with TG20, when would section bracing be required?
35. According to TG20, what is the maximum spacing of the section bracing on a beamed opening?
36. According to TG20, what is the maximum spacing of the bottom chord tie tubes on a beamed opening?
37. According to TG20, what is the maximum spacing of the top chord tie tubes on a beamed opening?
38. According to TG20, where should the plan bracing be installed on a beamed opening?
39. According to TG20, what is the maximum spacing of the top chord tie tubes on a beamed opening?
40. According to TG20, what is the maximum number of bays that can be spanned when using 305mm deep ladder beams?
41. When installing prefabricated components in scaffolds such as ladder beams, how should these be installed?
42. What is the maximum load of a TG20 compliant single lift cantilever?
43. According to TG20 what is the recommended width (in boards) on a single lift cantilever?
44. When erecting a TG20 compliant single lift cantilever the joints in the independent ledger should be within what distance of the standard?
45. According to TG20, what is the maximum height of a pavement lift?
46. According to TG20, what is the minimum width of a pavement lift?
47. According to TG20, what is the recommended distance between the face of the scaffold and the kerb on a pavement scaffold erected on a public footpath?
48. Is a truss out scaffold TG20 compliant?
49. What is a fulcrum/pivotal point?
50. What is the node point on a scaffold?
51. TG20 provides standard configurations for what types of chimney stack scaffolds?
52. According to TG20, chimney stack scaffolds have a maximum safe working load of?
53. According to TG20, what is the maximum standard spacing on a chimney stack scaffold?
54. According to TG20, how should sole boards be placed on the roof when erecting a chimney stack scaffold?
55. How often should statutory inspections be carried out on scaffolds?
56. What regulations state that inspections must be carried out?
57. How often should ledger bracing be installed on a TG20 compliant independent scaffold?
58. What is the height to base ratio for a TG20 compliant internal freestanding tower scaffold?
59. What is the height to base ratio for a TG20 complain external freestanding tower scaffold?
60. According to TG20, bracing on an external freestanding tower should be connected within what distance of the node point?
61. According to TG20, what fittings should be used to connect the end transoms on a freestanding tower?
62. According to TG20, the joints in the standards of a freestanding tower must be made with?
63. How many working platforms are permitted on a TG20 compliant freestanding tower?
64. According to TG20, freestanding towers must have plan bracing installed at what frequencies?
65. What are the standard spacings for a ‘Class 1’ TG20 compliant birdcage scaffold?
66. What are the standard spacings for a ‘Class 2’ TG20 compliant birdcage scaffold?
67. What are the standard spacings for a ‘Class 3’ TG20 compliant birdcage scaffold?
68. What is the maximum first lift height on a TG20 compliant birdcage scaffold?
69. What is the maximum height of the lifts thereafter?
70. What is the maximum number of working platforms on a TG20 compliant birdcage scaffold?
71. What is the maximum loading on a TG20 compliant load class 1 birdcage scaffold?
72. What is the maximum loading on a TG20 compliant load class 2 birdcage scaffold?
73. What is the maximum loading on a TG20 compliant load class 3 birdcage scaffold?
74. What is the maximum standard spacing on a TG20 compliant general purpose putlog scaffold?
75. What is the maximum loading on a TG20 compliant general purpose putlog scaffold?
76. How many working lifts are permitted on a TG20 compliant general purpose putlog scaffold?
77. What is the maximum permitted height of a TG20 compliant putlog scaffold?
78. What is the recommended number of boards on a TG20 compliant putlog scaffold?
79. According to TG20 what is the maximum width (in boards) for a very light duty independent scaffold?
80. How many working platforms are permitted on a TG20 compliant very light duty independent scaffold?
81. What is the maximum standard spacing on a TG20 compliant light duty independent scaffold?
82. What is the maximum loading on a TG20 compliant very light duty independent scaffold?
83. According to TG20 what is the maximum width (in boards) for a light-duty independent scaffold?
84. How many working platforms are permitted on a TG20 compliant light duty independent scaffold?
85. What is the maximum standard spacing on a TG20 compliant light-duty independent scaffold?
86. What is the maximum loading on a TG20 compliant light duty independent scaffold?
87. According to TG20 what is the maximum width (in boards) for a general-purpose independent scaffold?
88. What is the maximum loading on a TG20 compliant general purpose independent scaffold?
89. What is the maximum standard spacing on a TG20 compliant general purpose independent scaffold?
90. How many working platforms are permitted on a TG20 compliant general purpose independent scaffold?
91. According to TG20 what is the recommended width (in boards) on a heavy-duty independent scaffold?
92. How many working platforms are permitted on a TG20 compliant heavy-duty independent scaffold?
93. What is the maximum standard spacing on a TG20 compliant heavy-duty independent scaffold?
94. According to TG20, what is the maximum height of an internal birdcage scaffold?
95. What is the maximum height of a TG20 compliant internal freestanding tower if the base dimensions are 2.4m x 2m?
96. What is the maximum height of a TG20 compliant external freestanding tower if the base dimensions are 2.4m x 2m?
97. What is the maximum loading on a TG20 compliant freestanding heavy-duty tower scaffold?
98. What is the maximum allowable vertical distance between landing platforms
99. What is the minimum size opening for ladder access?
100. What is the maximum uniformly distributed load on a TG20 compliant heavy-duty independent scaffold?
101. According to TG20 what is the maximum loading on the inside board(s) of an independent scaffold?
102. According to SG4, how many boards should a scaffolder work from when erecting and dismantling a scaffold?
103. When a scaffold is being erected, adapted or dismantled, or if it is not fit for purpose, what action should be adopted?
104. According to TG20, what is the recommended tie for a putlog scaffold?
105. What is the safe working load of a ‘Class B’ sleeve?
106. According to the NASC guidance document, TG4, what percentage of ties should be proof tested, as a minimum?
107. What is the maximum load on a TG20 compliant ladder access tower?
108. Which NASC document give guidance on preventing falls in scaffolding operations?
109. According to TG20, how far past the landing platform should a ladder extend?
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